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Friday, July 19, 2013

Grasping at Eternity by Karen Amanda Hooper

So I am not usually an ushy gushy kinda girl, but.... I absolutely adored this book. I am a firm believer that a relationship takes lots of hard work, and yet I feel that my husband is my soulmate and now after reading Grasping at Eternity I believe that soulmates do exist. How can I convey how beautifully this story swept me away? The world building of kindrilys and Elementals was perfectly done. Not too much information dump, but little bits and pieces were revealed - just enough to tease you into the next chapter. Brillant!

I know in The Princess Bride there are the top ten kisses of all time, and I definitely think the kiss in this book will be rated at least in the top two. It was beautiful and fulfilling and everything a first (or millionth) kiss should be. And just remember this is coming from someone who hates kissing scenes. And just like the little boy in The Princess Bride - I don't mind the kissing so much if it is written like this.

But lest you think the book is all about romance, it is much more. There are fully realized and developed characters. It is a mystery as well when you as the reader try to unravel the big ball of questions and answers. It is also part action in a few places.

Karen Amanda Hooper has a gift with words and dazzles the reader with her story weaving skills. I am very much looking forward to the next book (which the author has kindly sent me just this morning).

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